Wastewater Coatings & Linings Arizona

Wastewater Coatings & Linings Arizona

Every single house and business creates waste. This waste needs to be disposed of and treated. Generally in cities and towns there is a public waste system that channels the wastewater into treatment facilities. Concrete tanks are widely used to contain the wastewater during treatment. Coatings and Linings help extend the life of wastewater tanks and linings in Arizona.

Harsh Environmental Conditions

Cement is an exceptional material for construction. We can build just about anything out of concrete with the right mix. Man has been using cement for centuries because it is very strong in compression and very durable. Cement is made stronger with internal reinforcement. Steel rods are tied together in the concrete forms so when it dries it has a stronger metal “skeleton” inside of it. The addition of these rods, or rebar, increased the tensile strength of concrete. This advancement made it possible to build pipes and tanks from cement.

The only drawback to adding a metal skeleton to the concrete is the tendency of metal to corrode. Corroding metal inside concrete causes problems with the durability and structural integrity of the tank or pipe. Corroding steel rods in concrete cause what is called spalling, or cracking. This causes the surface of the concrete to crack open, and sometimes fall off completely. Any water getting into the concrete accelerates the degradation of the structure, and allows more water to get to the rebar, which causes even more spalling.

Wastewater tanks aren’t generally kept in climate controlled areas. This means in areas where winter gets cold there is a freeze and thaw cycle in the tank. Repeated expansion and contraction causes surface tension and stress which can crack the concrete. In addition the chemicals used to treat wastewater can be harsh and wear at the surface of the concrete. With debris and materials in the wastewater there is also a abrasive affect on the structure.

Variables Affecting Longevity

Given enough time all concrete deteriorates. The quality of the concrete is the first variable that dictates how long a structure will last. The second variable is the environment that structure is put in.

Quality Of Tank & Pipe Construction – It goes without saying that the better things are made, the longer they last. This is true for wastewater tanks and pipes like anything else. Concrete quality is a function of the properties of the original mix design. The water to cement ratio can dictate the durability, and the specific PSI rating of the concrete. Placement of rebar inside the concrete is also a major factor in the overall longevity of the structure. If it is placed too close to the surface the structure will degrade faster. Curing and covering after the pour also contributes to the overall quality of the structure.

Tank & Pipe Operating Conditions – Environment is the second factor in the overall longevity of a wastewater tank or pipe. Wastewater treatment plants provide especially harsh environment conditions for concrete. Chemical attack, freeze-thaw & wet-dry cycling, and abrasion are just a few of the environmental factors that wear on these concrete structures. The best concrete will eventually deteriorate over time in these conditions. Poor quality concrete will obviously degrade faster. Protection of the concrete surfaces is clearly the key in increasing the longevity of both good and substandard concrete.

Protective Concrete Coating & Linings

The harsh chemicals and abrasive qualities of waste water erode and corrode the concrete we use for our wastewater tanks. The primary way we can protect these structures is coatings and linings. Coatings and linings prevent with water from making direct contact with the concrete. Wastewater tanks have especially harsh conditions and care must be used in choosing which linings and coatings to use. Professional coating installation is also advantageous, as correct application is critical for the lining to be effective.

The Best Time To Protect Your Tank

Clearly having your concrete tanks coated before using them is going to give you the longest durability. This is before harsh chemicals come in contact with and begin to degrade the tanks. Acids, salt, and sulfates are common in concrete tanks and the only real barrier you have to extend the life of your tanks is to use a good coating.

Many of the tanks we use today were built in the 1970’s and 1980’s. This was a time where materials science was not as advanced as today, and these tanks are already into their 3 or 4th decade of use. Inspection of these tanks and proper maintenance will help avoid having to completely rebuild wastewater treatment plants. The spalls, cracks, and leaks are evidence of these older tanks decay. Upon discovery of spalling, cracks or leaks immediate action must be taken, because the harsh chemicals have already found a way into the concretes inner material.

Tank Rehabilitation Process

The first step in repairing tanks that are compromised is to correctly diagnose why the tanks are deteriorating. This is a critical step in the tank rehabilitation process as it avoids a never ending repair cycle. Concrete testing firms and consulting engineers typically are the experts consulted to do the inspections and evaluations of these concrete structures. With correct professional analysis an effective rehabilitation strategy can be developed. This ensures the root cause of the concrete tank deterioration is addressed.

Concrete Tank Corrosion Protection

Corrosion of the reinforcing steel rebar is one of the most common causes of tank deterioration.  Corrosion will occur if it is exposed to oxygen and moisture. New concrete has a property called a passivating layer. This is due to the inherently high alkalinity of concrete. A Passivating layer provides a natural barrier that protects the rebar inside the concrete. This layer does not last as most of the water in wastewater applications has a measure of dissolved sodium. This sodium erodes the passivating layer and allows breaches in the surface of the concrete. Lower qualities of initial concrete have a greater permeation level and will allow water, oxygen and salts into the surface of the concrete much sooner. If the steel is allowed to rust it will expand and cause internal tensile forces on the concrete structure. These internal forces are what causes the cracks in the first place and allow the elements under the surface of the concrete.

Corrosion Inhibiting Sprays

Penetrating corrosion inhibitors is one of the strategies that can help slow down the decay of concrete wastewater tanks. These inhibitors can come in the form of a liquid or a powder. The definition of what elements qualify as an inhibitor is any element that effectively slows the corrosion of the reinforcing steel rebar. A liquid amino alcohol based corrosion inhibitor is used on existing concrete structures. It penetrates the surface of the concrete and is designed to make it all the way to the rebar. Once the chemical reaches the rebar it coats it, and creates a protective barrier. Independent laboratory testing has shown that this reduces corrosion by as much as 60-70%. It is also possible to start with this inhibitor already in the concrete mixture as it is poured. This is a great way to create a lasting structure.

Additional Environmental Issues

Apart from simple oxidation of the steel there are a number of other threats to concrete tanks. Some of these include the thaw-freeze cycle, chemical attack, and abrasion. Abrasion is simply caused by waterborne particulates. Things like silt, sand, dirt, and gravel are carried in the water and wear on the surfaces of the concrete. Chemical attacks on the concrete come in a couple of forms. A common form of chemical attack is simply when the pH is too low or acids are present in the water. Acidic water causes the cement matrix to dissolve loosening the aggregate in the concrete. Additionally the presence of sulfates can react to the tricalcium aluminate in the concrete. This causes the material to expand which causes internal stress and cracking or crumbling. In the cases of tanks that have frequent wet-dry cycles this affect is increased and more aggressive.

Protective Coatings For Water Tanks

Concrete tanks can be protected from these effects. This is done by preventing the contents of the tanks from ever making direct contact with the surface of the concrete. The most common way of doing this is protecting coatings. There are different requirements for wastewater to water tanks. When developing a protection plan it is critical to know the difference between the two as the chemicals present in either are vastly different.

Protective Water Tank Coating

For tanks that contain potable water a polymer-modified cementitious coating has been extensively used, and with great success. While a polymer-modified cementious coating is flexible it is also possible to be an extremely thick and dense protective coating. The flexible property of this coating has the benefit of effectively sealing hairline cracks without spending the man hours to find each of them. It is thick and flexible enough to shore up these issues and effectively provide a protective barrier for the tank. Styrene-acrylic and acrylic based polymers are the foundation for a flexible protective coating. This is what will help protect the concrete even if there is minor expansion behind the coating.

Protective Wastewater Tank Coating

Clearly in wastewater there is a lot more going on chemically. This means that the chemical resistance of these coatings is a lot more important. The only way that these coatings can be effective is to be specifically designed for the particular presence of various chemicals and concentrations of those chemicals in the wastewater tanks. Clearly specific laboratory analysis is the best way to determine each locations individual needs and requirements, yet it can be a costly expenditure. If the funds are not available coating companies can be consulted that have similar tanks and comparable chemical operating parameters.

Epoxy coatings are extremely common in wastewater tanks as they offer somewhat easy application and a higher degree of chemical resistance. One very durable option is bisphenol A epoxy. With the addition of a polyamine hardener this solution is fairly easy to apply and has shown great chemical resistance. Other options for coatings include urethanes, vinyl, and polyureas. These alternative coatings also offer high levels of chemical protection, but are not as easily applied.


Professional Coatings & Linings by All Kote Lining Inc.

All Kote is Arizona’s preferred lining and coating contractor for water tanks, pipes, and cooling tower coatings. If there is a project that our skills can be used on please feel free to contact us. We know the industries concrete tanks are used in, and also work on a variety of other materials to help extend longevity and prevent spills

All Kote Lining Inc 480-966-4446


What Fill Does In A Cooling Tower

What Fill Does In A Cooling Tower Phoenix

Spray-type cooling towers effectiveness is reliant on how well the fill material exposes the water to the mass air flow. The spray nozzles are designed to widely distribute the water onto the fill material, and the fill material needs to be able to expose the maximum amount of surface area of the water. The more water exposed to the mass air flow through the cooling tower, the greater the efficiency.

For specific designed systems the cooling tower needs to be designed so that the period of time that the water is in contact with the air is sufficient to achieve the desired, or necessary cooling effect. The greater the demand from the industry the greater duration of intimate contact will be necessary in the fill to achieve proper enthalpy. Enthalpy is a measure of the system’s ability to cope with the overall demand.

One way to increase the contact between water and air in a spray-type cooling tower is to make the tower higher. The greater height allows for increased fall time for the water. The longer the water is falling through the air the cooler it becomes. There are limits to this effect dictated by psychrometric limits. This means that given a tower of infinite height the cooling towers ability to cool water would be limited to the air coming into the tower. The air exiting the tower would also be limited to the hot water entering the cooling tower.

Clearly there are constraints on how tall towers could or should be constructed. Not to mention what the monolith free fall spray type cooling towers would cost. There would also be simple structural concerns, where wind would also come into play and introduce horizontal wind shear factors. This is where fill material comes in and shines. Fill simply slows the water down in its journey through the cooling tower. This increases the amount of time the water is in contact with the air without having to have monolithic cooling towers.

Many times fill is referred to as a heat transfer surface, this is not actually true in the strictest sense. The heat transfer is achieved through the water surface contacting the mass air flow. The fill simply helps increase the duration, and therefore the overall effect of the heat transfer.

Types Of Cooling Tower Fill

There are two basic types of fill used today. There are film type and splash type fill options. Either type of fill can be used in cross or counter flow cooling tower designs. Both types of fill have their pros and cons which is why there are still two options, and that isn’t likely to change. There are operational advantages which can offset the costs and make one better for one situation than another.

Splash Fill System

The cooling towers which use splash fill have a series of splash bars which are positioned over each other. This causes the water to successively cascade from one layer to another. Not only is the amount of time the water spends falling from one layer to another a function of the efficacy but the repeated pauses that the water takes while flowing across the splash bars.

Because the water’s movement through a splash fill system is mostly vertical the bars must be positioned with the wide surface of the bars orientated horizontally. This ensures that the water is efficiently distributed and broken up for maximum water to air surface contact. Splash fill delivers the least about of opposition to airflow along the horizontal plane. For this reason splash fill is more popular in crossflow cooling towers than it is in counterflow towers.

Splash fill systems to enjoy a resilience to imperfect water distribution and impure water. But they do require some maintenance. Without being maintained and cleaned the water will move to the lower end of the fill quickly. Without the water spreading evenly there is loss contact between the air and water and the system’s efficiency is reduced. A significant number of the splash fill systems are found in crossflow cooling towers. This is because the cooling tower has a full height air inlet, and the splash fill bars are easy to visually inspect. This makes for diagnosis of problems much quicker when you can clearly see into the unit before shutting it down and getting inside of it.

Film Fill Systems

Fill film is gaining a market share because of its compact performance. Film fill’s intricate inner workings provide the maximum water to air contact in that given space. It’s very widely used; in fact about half of all crossflow and practically all counterflower systems utilze film fill.

Capitalizing on the hydrostatic property of water, film fill material channels water along its corrugated surface. Unlike splash fill bars where water is only making contact with the air on one side of it the film is getting contact on both sides of the inner walls and a channel of air is passing over it. The protrusions or valleys and hills created by the corrugated surface cause intentional turbulence within the fill to maximize the air to water contact and promote the highest possible cooling effect.

From the perspective of most manufacturers film fill is the best option. This partly because film fill allows the manufacturer to build smaller cooling towers. Splash fill systems simply take up more room. In fact some manufacturers have simply stopped offering a line of splash fill cooling tower. There are a few negative aspects of film fill which we will examine.

During the vertical progress of the water through the fill material splash fill allows for water redistribution, film does not. This means for film fill the initial distribution of water at the time of installation is critical. Water must be evenly distributed down each of the channels so air will flow evenly through the fill. If this is not done correctly or build-up occurs in the fill the air will naturally take the course of least resistance and follow the path without water. When the air isn’t being forced to flow by and through the water filled areas the cooling affect is diminished.

When using film fill water quality becomes a point of concern. Because of the narrow spacing between the internal edges of the film fill it can become clogged easily. Things like leaves, high turbidity, debris, or the presence of slime, algae, or fatty acids can reduce the passage for the air to travel, a bit like clogged arteries. Any time there is a diverted air flow or restricted path for the air the overall cooling effect of the tower is reduced. Unlike splash fill systems you can’t just take a look inside to examine the condition of film fill. In fact if owners or technicians can already see clogs in the fill the level of clogging is likely to be extreme. Newer materials have helped improve the pass through of debris and build up which still delivering maximum surface area for water to air contact. Internal texturing helps increase the amount of time the water stays in the fill which improves the air to water contact time and increases the cooling towers effect.

Attention must be used during the cooling tower design phase and any upgrades to the tower as structural blockages to the input air flow to film fill will cause measurable disruption to the air distribution. If this is left unchecked it can cause spotty air distribution which leads to diminished thermal performance. Ultimately to maintain thermal performance both types of fill need to be maintained in all cooling towers.

Cooling Tower Fill Conclusions

Which type of cooling tower fill is best for a specific application really depends on the purity of the water used in the cooling tower. Either system can be effective if proper maintenance procedures are followed. However in particularly harsh environments splash fill can simplify maintenance and be more resilient to excessive dirt and debris. This is especially true for industries where the water can be contaminated. Such as dairy, food processing, steel production, hydrocarbon processing, foundries, paper processing, soaps/cosmetics, and ammonia stripping. Apart from these industries splash fill should be highly considered where there is going to be an un-purified water source or the area is particularly forested or dusty.

Phoenix Cooling Tower Maintenance

Clearly with either type of cooling tower fill regular maintenance is the key to optimal longevity and thermal performance. The professionals at All Kote Inc. have the knowledge and tools to keep your cooling tower running at peak performance, which ultimately translates into energy savings.

All Kote Lining Inc. – 480-966-4446




Cooling Tower Design

Cooling Tower Design Phoenix

The first time we needed to have cooling towers was during the industrial revolution. New machines that created immense heat were being developed and used in the industrial processes. This is what prompted early cooling tower design. The difference between how those early industrial pioneers understood cooling tower technology and how we understand it today is drastically different.

Cooling tower technology has come a long way since its inception. Things that have changed are the overall environmental impact, energy efficiency, water conservation technology, more environmentally friendly reduced emissions, and the actual look of the devices. The basics principles however are quite similar to what they were using 100 years ago. Many of today’s brochures prove the point with their various emphasizes. These elements include:

Access Panels – The systems of today aren’t much different than those of yesteryear. They still have a tendency to get clogged and still require regular maintenance. This requires maintenance personnel to actually enter the unit. This is why louvers many times are hinged or other areas of the cooling tower are designed for easy access.

Corrosive Resistant Fans – These fans are large and typically top mounted. They operate in the stream of air exiting the cooling tower. Because part of the process is evaporation there is a lot of humidity in the air stream. This presents a hot, humid environment that requires a fan system that is constructed to exist in these environments.

Drift Eliminators – Part of the job of the drift eliminator is to simply keep the water in the system. With a cooling tower that has greater than .002% steps need to be taken to prevent chemically treated waster loss. It is expensive to continue treating the water and it can harm the environment, or land on cars, people, or equipment.

Cooling Tower Safety – With OSHA really growing and spreading its wings since the industrial revolution the work place has got increasingly safer. That might seem counterproductive, but safety is first as personal might be replaceable, but people aren’t. You’ll see that cooling tower manufacturers boast their ladders that help technicians safely climb up and do maintenance.

Water Conservation – In the early years steps weren’t taken to protect the cooling towers basins from direct sunlight. In today’s cooling towers the basins are covered from that light for a couple of reasons. Firstly sunlight causes evaporation. Secondly it is unsightly to see inside the basins, so it’s an aesthetic improvement. Having louvers and covers also helps cooling towers avoid Legionnaires ‘disease. Legionnaires’ disease in a cooling tower requires deep cleaning and water cleaning treatments. Avoiding this preserves water and cuts down on the amount of chemicals needed to operate the cooling tower. This means it runs cheaper and is kinder to the environment.

Designed Durability In Cooling Towers

As a facility owner or operator you might be tasked with deciding which cooling tower you need to install. Many manufacturers offer certain solutions to common problems. When you have a cooling tower where stagnant water might be a problem manufacturers offer basin sweepers. When there is a chance of having drift issues with top mounted fans a lot of companies offer forced draft designs. Some industries have especially corrosive elements in their water and FRP or stainless steel parts are offered.

When discussing your cooling tower design with the company building it you might be tempted to have the lowest cost cooling tower put together. This can mean that the cooling tower you get will have varied materials and technology that still allow many of the easily avoidable issues from 100 years ago. Consider what materials are use, avoiding galvanized steel and opting for stainless to keep the water cleaner. Make the decision to choose better materials for fans so they can perform for years in their given environment.

The more consideration you use in the design phase will ensure less maintenance cost, less parts having to be replaced, and a lower long term cost for the company. It also means less downtime for maintenance and repairs.

Cooling Tower Maintenance & Repair

If it’s need your cooling tower maintained, or you want to upgrade some of your parts give your Phoenix cooling tower experts a call.

All Kote Inc. – 480-966-4446


Water Storage Tank Coatings

Water Storage Tank Coatings

Regardless of the material used in the storage of water storage tanks there is an element of degradation. We need water to live, and it’s used in countless production processes. Having reliable water storage tank coatings is a must for all Phoenix water storage tanks. Water causes nitrification, deterioration and corrosion depending on which type of material is used to build the tank that holds the water. Popular choices in water storage tanks are concrete, steel, and fiberglass.

Steel Water Storage Tanks

Like all types of metal steel water storage tanks are vulnerable to corrosion. They are widely used and require regular inspection and maintenance. They can be coated both on the inside and outside to provide optimal corrosion resistance.

Exterior coatings help protect the outside of the tank from acid rain, sun exposure and premature breakdown of the metal. Interior coatings are critical in safely storing the water in your storage tanks. Coatings in steel water storage tanks are applied at the time of construction or installation and should be monitored and cared for over time to ensure that the tanks are serving the community or industry properly.

Concrete Water Storage Tanks

These tanks may seem like they are built from the strongest material possible. With time, salt and sulfate build up, and the expansion from heat and cold the tanks can deteriorate and crack.

Polyurethane or epoxy coatings are effective treatments to shore up these cracks and deterioration. The coatings also act to guard the concrete from the affects of the sulfates and salt that water can sometimes carry. Coating concrete water storage tanks when they are installed, and reapplying the coatings over time helps ensure the longevity of your storage tank and lower cost.

Fiberglass Water Storage Tanks

These tanks are poplar and widely used for the storage of water. However they are susceptible to the sun. These tanks can fade, change color and develop surface chalking in the intense heat and summer sun in Phoenix.

The most successful method of reinforcing these fiberglass water storage tanks is exterior coatings. This helps protect the tank from the UV exposure. Generally coatings are applied at or before the point of installation, but need to be maintained and reapplied as needed. For optimal bonding the surface needs to be completely clean and free of debris. It can also be prepared with roughing, much like sanding it provides a highly adhesive surface for the coating to adhere.

Surface Coatings For Water Storage Tanks

These coatings protect the interior of the water storage tanks from corrosion and deterioration. It does this by acting as a physical barrier that stand between the water and walls of the tank. Depending on what is being stored specifically some coatings also offer some protection against chemicals. Which coating is right for your tank is something you discuss with your coating contractor.

Above ground polyethylene or fiberglass tanks will require surface coatings on the walls to protect them from the damaging UV rays of the sun. This helps maintain the structural integrity and overall appearance of the water storage tank.

When To Get Your Water Storage Tank Coated

Knowing when to have your water storage tank serviced in Phoenix will help extend the life of your tank and help avoid any costly spills.  Clearly when you first install the water storage tank having the coating either applied by the manufacturer or immediately after installation is critical for its longevity.

After your tank is installed you should have coatings reapplied any time you see any of the following:

  • Leaks
  • Abrasive material in the water
  • Sun or UV damage
  • Cracks in the material
  • Scaling
  • Freezing weather
  • Tensile stresses
  • Calcium, iron, or biofilm deposits
  • Chlorine losses in stored water

Phoenix Water Storage Tank Coatings by All Kote Lining Inc

If you have a water storage tank in Phoenix regardless of the material it’s constructed with, it will need regular maintenance. We can help you inspect, maintain, re-coat and repair your water storage tanks. Give us a call today at 480-966-4446

Environmentally Friendly Cooling Towers

Phoenix Environmentally Friendly Cooling Towers

Many of our modern industrial processes in Arizona produce extreme levels of heat. Having environmentally friendly cooling towers in Phoenix keeps these processes and buildings cool without undue impact on the environment. Cooling Towers being an integral part of a city landscape need to be aesthetically tolerable. This is something that community members, owners, and operators are seeking.

A few of the other factors that lend to cooling towers being able to do their job without being an eyesore are controlling the plume rising from the towers, keeping the cooling towers quiet as possible, and treating the water inside the towers.

Cooling Tower Plume Abatement

With so many rightly concerned about being environmentally in Phoenix conscious seeing a large plume of steam coming from a cooling tower can raise some concerns. As much as the plume is just evaporated water manufacturers have responded by fitting the cooling towers with plume abatement measures. Community members might think it’s just unsightly or some might even worry that it reduces visibility.

Manufacturers accomplish plume abatement by placing dry heat exchangers above the drift eliminators and fill material. The hot water from the cooling tower process initially circulates through the dry air heat exchanger. Then it goes through the evaporative fill section. Air from outside the cooling tower is simultaneously drawn in through the dry heat exchanger and the warm and wet fill material.

Cooling Tower Noise Control

In some application areas in Arizona, the cooling towers must operate in or near residential or commercial shopping areas. In many industrial applications distance and design are enough to negate the noise produced by the cooling tower. However in these areas where retail and commercial businesses are trying to operate excess noise can be a big problem. In these cooling tower applications additional noise attenuation measures are a great solution.

One of the times that cooling tower noise control is most critical is at night. If the cooling towers are loud and make sleeping difficult it can raise concerns. One solution to this noise problem is to have a two-speed motor. During quiet hours it can run at a lower speed and cycles can be eliminated overnight to make the cooling tower quieter. Another solution is variable speed drives that will avoid the noise of the system from cycling on and off. A benefit of a variable speed unit is that it will also run your cooling tower more efficiently and will pay for itself in energy savings.

Cooling towers can also benefit from low noise fans which feature special airfoils that minimize noise at all times of operation. If the situation is very sensitive discharge and inlet sound attenuator sections can be added. The downsides to this are because of air flow restriction caused by the attenuators a large cooling tower might be necessary, and access to the cooling tower is restricted by the attenuator sections.

Cooling Tower Water Treatment

With environmental regulations becoming ever more stringent in Phoenix owners and operators need to monitor the quality of water that is being circulated or discharged by the cooling tower. Cooling tower water treatment is a way that owners can control this factor, and follow the guidelines set forth by the environmental protection agencies.  Cooling towers coincidentally end up cleaning the air that is processed through the fill material for the purpose of dissipating heat. As a result the particulates and pollution that is already in the air in the area the cooling tower operates in are cleaned out of the air and end up in the water circulating through the cooling tower. With progressively more restrictive limits on the use of chemicals for blowdown makeup water owners are challenged continuously.

With the limits put on the levels of chorine used to control the biological growth plants have had to come up with alternative methods. One method operators have turned to, to comply with Arizona EPA regulations is ozonation to maintain water quality and still have cooling towers that run efficiently. Different states and cities have different restrictions that must be followed or considered when thinking of alternate methods for water treatment. Contact your local Phoenix cooling tower experts for guidance on what options you have at your disposal.

Corroding Storage Tanks in Phoenix

Corroding Storage Tanks Coating in Phoenix
When it comes to storage tanks in Phoenix there are two ways to handle it, prevention or repair.  The first is obviously less costly and dangerous as the liquids stored at you job site might either be environmentally dangerous or just plain costly and a spill would more than dent the bottom line. Don’t let corroding storage tanks cause you headaches, or end up costing you money in fines.

There are a lot of ways we store liquids in storage tanks, on trucks, in the ground, above the ground and even on railways.  The thing they all have in common is the fact that the fuel, water, waste or other materials put our tanks in a constant state of degradation.  Even with things like water our tanks are under the effects of time and oxidation.  With your alkalis, acids and organic wastes that process is dramatically increased and can turn your tank into a rusting, crumbled wreck and spill your liquids onto, or into the ground.

Fines from the EPA if a tank begins to leak are not cheap and obviously you’re trying to run a business that’s in the black.  Not only could this be costly in terms of fines, but depending on the type of material your storing it could harm the environment.

The walls of storage tanks are not just for keeping the fluids in, but they are an integral part of the structural integrity of the tank.  If these are compromised by rust, or other corrosion, they can collapse and topple over.   This can be especially dangerous if you have personnel in the area that could get trapped under or be harmed by falling tanks or debris.

Another important facet of caring for your tanks is the idea of cross-contamination, or the loss of “purity” of your intended storage need.  An example of this is if you are storing or transporting drinking water.  It’s critical to keep something that is intended for being ingested totally pure and chemical free.  Having a storage tank or a tank on the back of a truck that is compromised can lead to contamination.  Even if it’s not something that is meant for human consumption and is a chemical agent it will not perform if its chemical makeup is changed by a leaking tank.

Belzona Storage Tank Coating

Clearly the need for regular tank maintenance is necessary to avoid costly clean ups, fines, and to avoid potentially harming the environment.  Belzona is a ceramic filled epoxy coating that is designed to provide erosion and corrosion resistance to metal surfaces.

This 2-part epoxy coating is solvent free and has outstanding chemical resistance and will bond to just about any rigid surface, including FRP, GRP, concrete and steel. Its high compressive strength means it can hold up to high pressures and it can be used to create a perfect shim.  Belzona’s chemical makeup allows it to be applied and cure at normal room temperatures, which alleviates the need for any hot work to apply the coating.

Belzona Secondary Containment Protection and Repair

If there is or has been some damage to the areas surrounding your storage tanks Belzona’s concrete repair composites offer excellent impact resistance and adhesion to concrete surfaces.  These protective coatings are chemical resistant reduce downtime and provide long term protection to a variety of chemicals, including alkalis and acids, even at high temperatures. Given Belzona’s superior flexibility it can stay intact and provide continued protection even if the concrete begins to crack.  It is also possible to spray or brush Belzona on for quick application to reduce your downtime and get your operation back in gear and producing.

If you’re concerned about the integrity of your storage tank call the professionals at All Kote Lining, Inc.  You can get your questions answered, schedule free evaluations, and even set up a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that your operation runs without one of these failed storage tank nightmares. Call 480-966-4446 or visit the webpage at All Kote Lining, Inc.

Cooling Tower Maintenance

Cooling Tower Maintenance AZ

With energy costs as high as they are proper cooling tower maintenance can mean better profitability for your company.  With time a cooling tower that’s left neglected leaving water temperature will rise.  This can raise your energy costs by up to 6% for every 2 degrees F that it rises.  To ensure that you keep your energy costs low keeping your cooling tower well maintained with help it to run at optimum efficiency.  With the harsh summers here in Phoenix Arizona it can be the critical difference in the performance of your cooling tower, and your company.

If you’d like to save up to 15 percent on your electricity costs these simple maintenance tips can help you save money.  Regular maintenance also will help you save on water and extend the life of your cooling equipment.

What you need to know – A step by step guide to help you

  • Listen for any unusual noises to set a baseline which will help you notice any possible problems. Also check the condition of the unit as a whole.
  • If it requires some hands on work make sure that you follow the lock-out protocol and disconnect the motor switches to make sure you’re working safely.
  • Clean debris from strainers to keep the system clear from excess materials and inspect it thoroughly.
  • Take a look at the water distribution system and keep an eye out for dry areas over the fill coil area. This will help avoid scale buildup and help add years to the system’s lifespan.  If the surface is not fully wetted, inspect the nozzles for cracks and clogs.
  • Flush debris and dirt from the cold water basin out the tower drain or use a sump strainer to maintain water filtration and prevent dirt from collecting.
  • To conserve water and reduce air entrainment check the makeup water supply for the predetermined water level that is considered appropriate.
  • To prevent an accumulation of solids from recirculating water match the bleed rate according to your local evaporation rate regulations and local water quality.
  • Address any tension issues on the belt to ensure the best belt-drive system performance.
  • Following the manufacturer’s recommendations make sure to routinely check oil level, shaft alignment, oil quality if you’ve got a gear driven system.
  • Lubricate fan shaft bearings on a quarterly interval at the very least to ensure proper operation. Consider talking to the professionals about installing automatic bearing greasers that will save you on monthly maintenance.

The frequency of your maintenance can vary depending on the condition of the water and environment in which you operate your machinery.  Solid maintenance habits will help avoid failure and increase the lifespan of your cooling tower.

Professional Cooling Tower Maintenance

Keeping up with all the steps that you need to take to just keep one part of your operation functioning up to its full potential is a time consuming project.  It takes training and education to understand how to effectively perform the routine maintenance that these towers require.  Using dedicated professionals who only do this day in and day out will help your bottom line when it comes to man hours, training, extending the life of your cooling tower and even helping to cut energy costs through ensuring optimal performance.  Let the experts at All Kote use their expertise, skills, and specialized tools to take the headache and guesswork out of how to maintain these critical parts of your operation.

Give us a call at 480-366-4446 or shoot us an email at info@allkotelininginc.com

Fiberglass and Storage Tank Inspection and Maintenance

Fiberglass and Storage Tank Inspection and Maintenance Phoenix AZ

What variables contribute to the degradation of storage tanks?

Some of the contaminants that affect the coating quality are varnish, gum, oils, and other contaminants. The fiberglass walls have a tendency to collect residue and sediment from carbon based organic and inorganic matter.  Some of the sediment is composed of silt, fine sand, and particles of clay.  These soil materials, while harmless, carry contaminants and microorganisms.  Given time these materials can harm your storage tanks.

Corrosion resistant fiberglass tanks while having corrosion resistant barriers can still degrade over time while storing even moderately corrosive materials.  Using the newest advances available in the industry such as FRP linings and specific polymer matrixes All Kote can help you ensure the containment of these chemicals before they can have a chance to have a corrosive effect. Thus preventing spills and wasted materials, time, and costly clean ups.

What does it take to maintain fiberglass tanks and steel tanks?

To keep fiberglass and steel tanks functioning at their best they need regular inspection and maintenance.  For municipalities, businesses, and private owners it’s easy to get busy and overlook the regularly scheduled maintenance of these tanks which provide a critical service to their operations.  As it’s impossible to predict when a tank might fail, having the inspections and repairs done regularly will help prevent any kind of catastrophic failure and spill of dangerous or expensive chemicals.  With All Kote we Inspect, repair, rehabilitate, and sandblast both fiberglass and steel tanks to ensure their performing up to your expectations and the EPA’s requirements.  It’s recommended that you inspect and regularly maintain your tank on a regular basis.  Contact us to get a more specific idea of what the requirements are based on what you’re storing to get a schedule set up for your business.

Two Ways to Protect and Save

Internal storage tank protection and repair

With our utilization of Belzona Polymeric coating and other materials our services will bond to many materials including, concrete, steel, FRP and GRP.

With professional experience spanning many years All Kote can help protect the internals of your storage tanks.  Applications can include wastewater treatment, water towers, containment tanks, fueling stations, steel holding tanks and much more.

Protection and repair of storage tanks exteriors

Using Belzona’s epoxy and coatings repair techniques and be applied to process vessles and storage tanks that are in-situ or even hot equipment.  The bond strength of Belzona materials is exceptional.

This can be used for external storage tanks for wastewater treatment, cooling towers, water towers, containment tanks, fueling stations, steel holding tanks and more.

Even if your fiber glass tank has had a breach the professionals with All Kote can evaluate if the overall structural integrity is still intact.  This can mean that our technicians may be able to fabricate a new corrosion barrier and get you back in business.

Best of all is having a local Phoenix based storage tank inspection specialist that understands the harsh demands that are put on our equipment with the heat and sun.

Fiberglass Storage Tank Inspection & Maintenance Phoenix


If you have any questions about inspection or maintenance for your storage tanks, or have repairs that need to be handled give us a call at 480-966-4446 or use our Contact Form.